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A creative spark can set your business on fire! With the right marketing techniques, OpenSpark can assist in sparking the interest of your audience.

Marketing Strategy

A clear, powerful marketing strategy that includes a variety of communication methods is critical to first, capturing the attention of your audience and second, influencing your audience to take a specific action or actions.  Whether you are a new business or an established business, communicating with your stakeholders is important.  The basic answers to “to whom are you communicating” (your key stakeholders, including customers and prospects) and “why are you communicating” (to market and grow your business) are likely the same as they were a few years ago, but the convergence of marketing and technology have radically changed the answers to the what, when, where, and how questions.


Not long ago, a basic Website that communicated what you do may have worked. It no longer does.

Today, your stakeholders aren’t very concerned simply with what you do; they want to know how your company can positively impact their business results.  OpenSpark works with the latest technologies to build websites that attract your audience and that you are able to manage and update yourself on a regular basis.  New content posted to your site frequently is critical to attracting a wider audience and OpenSpark gives you the tools to simplify this process and make it easy to do. 


Not long ago, planned marketing activities on a regular basis may have worked. It no longer does.

Today, your marketing is constant. With the soaring popularity of social media and user-created content, you have easy, cost-effective ways to market your business in real-time.  OpenSpark will develop a flexible plan to guide your online and social media marketing on a regular basis, ensuring that your online communications are consistent, concise, and engaging.


Not long ago, direct mail marketing, media ads, trade shows, catalogs, and your own Website may have worked for marketing your company. It no longer does.

Today, information about your company is everywhere, whether you put it there or not. A strategy to place your content in a wide variety of places, as well as monitor what other content about your company is out there, is essential.  OpenSpark's team will develop a road-map that outlines all activities and ensures that the right messaging is in the right places, and that it works together.


Not long ago, an annual marketing plan developed months prior to the start of a new year may have worked. It no longer does.

Today, your plan needs to be fluid enough to respond immediately to real-time market conditions, media stories, and consumer concerns. Your planned marketing activities are still essential, but your unplanned activities are now just as important.  OpenSpark works with you to develop your cohesive plan, calendar, and road-map that incorporate all scheduled activities and campaigns, but are flexible enough to respond to real-time issues and keep you calm and in control of your marketing, wherever you are.


Marketing + Technology = Results

OpenSpark’s innovative creative team develops current, relevant, comprehensive marketing strategies that align with your technology plan and deliver results for new and small businesses, and corporate meetings and events. Our award-winning campaigns influence behavior that will spark results.